Great Game Programming Links

Fantastische Linksammlung von allerlei…

Colonization: Research on HTML Browser Game

Colonization: Research on HTML Browser Game List of Game engines and just some findings: Some research links for the frontend: Simple Tile Engine: Canvas Engine:

SharePoint 2013: POST Requests to Search Service through App

SharePoint 2013: POST Requests to Search Service through App We recently experienced an issue when developing a SharePoint hosted App on SharePoint 2013. The App should query the SharePoint Server Search Service based on all sites a user is following and should display some data according to this criteria. The result of the “Following” site ...

Das Eingeständnis von Fehlern ist der erste Schritt zur Perfektion.

Das Eingeständnis von Fehlern ist der erste Schritt zur Perfektion. – Sandro Schnapp

Some more Colonization… it has been a while with .NET and TDD

Some more Colonization... it has been a while with .NET and TDD
After a couple of weeks, I finally found some time to spend for my „SchnappCol“ Project. Only in the beginning though, the TDD Project consists of 90 Tests and about 500 lines of code. The Goal of the project is to build the game Colonization in the world of .NET with TDD; just for fun.

SharePoint 2013 Branding: Design Manager or Master Page

SharePoint 2013 Branding is all about the big question of using the newly available SharePoint 2013 Design Manager or go the „classic Master Page way“ of creating a design. Funny Video and great for all the Design Guys who don’t know about SharePoint at all and of course don’t know about SharePoint Design Manager. Takes ...

Die Intranet Teams wachsen noch immer

Die Intranet Teams wachsen noch immer Ein Auszug aus dem Artikel „Die zehn besten Intranets 2013“ Zwar nimmt die Unternehmensgrösse ab, das durchschnittliche Intranet-Team wird dagegen immer grösser – in diesem Jahr konnten wir den Höchststand aller Jahresbestenlisten verzeichnen: 27 Menschen arbeiten im Schnitt an einem Intranet. AT&T hat die meisten Teammitglieder, die wir je gesehen ...