How to learn go in a month for experienced dev‘s

How to learn go in a month for experienced dev‘s
Go, also known as Golang, is a modern programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson – Released 2009. It is a statically typed, compiled language that is known for its simplicity, concurrency support, and performance. Go is relatively new but already used by companies of all sizes to build ...

Microsoft Learn – Fantastic!

Microsoft Learn - Fantastic!
Do you know Microsoft Learn? Honestly if you are new to MS Technology or want to invest in your knowledge you should! Although I‘m using C# and .NET since arround 2002 I never used the site and must say, more than 20 years later, what a blast!!! For example if you want to get into ...

XML is dead – Long live XML

XML is dead - Long live XML
Intro Recently I stumbled again over a need to use and validate XML in a project, as done so many times before. It’s not all JSON yet 😉 So with Visual Studio Code rocking I asked myself if it is possible to support XML in VSCode (sure it can) and if there is a support ...