Microsoft Orleons – Up next as a playground for my adventure game

Up next is Microsoft Orleons: Let’s try the sample application of an adventure – My domain: Keep you posted for more.

SharePoint Performance – Blob Cache and Image Renditions could be the bad guy

SharePoint Performance – Blob Cache and Image Renditions could be the bad guy The Problem We’re running quite a big SharePoint Environment and using SharePoint 2013 also for Web Content Management. In order to monitor the performance of the system, we have build a couple of web tests with Microsoft Visual Studio and are running ...

Disable an Active Directory Account – Check Attribute userAccountControl

Disable an Active Directory Account – Check Attribute userAccountControl You can Disable an Microsoft Directory Account with the following Power Shell Command: Disable-ADAccount [-Identity] <ADAccount> [-AuthType {<Negotiate> | <Basic>}] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Partition <string>] [-PassThru <switch>] [-Server <string>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] More Information on the following Technet page. How to check if it worked? The ...

Zitat des Tages: Any fool can write code…

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. — Martin Fowler

Visual Studio 2015 zeigt keine Icons an 3

Visual Studio 2015 zeigt keine Icons an
Nach der Installation von Visual Studio 2015 werden komischerweise keine Icons der Action Buttons angezeigt, und zwar an diversen Stellen in Visual Studio. Ein paar Beispiele: Woran liegt das? Als erstes habe ich mal kurz Visual Studio im Logging Modus gestartet mit dem Parameter, wie in dem folgenden Artikel beschrieben: Devenv /log Path\NameOfLogFile Im ...

Troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 with Developer Dashboard

Troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 with Developer Dashboard Just in case you missed it, the developer dashboard, enhanced in SharePoint 2013, greatly helps for troubleshooting SharePoint 2013:

SharePoint 2013: Who can see this? Of course, it’s everyone ….

SharePoint 2013: Who can see this? Of course, it's everyone ....
SharePoint 2013: Who can see this? Of course, it’s everyone …. On a SharePoint 2010 there was a nice feature when editing your user profile. You could adjust the visibility of your details. This would actually mean that only your colleagues could see a field of your profile. This was great since I could customize ...

Colonization: Research on HTML Browser Game

Colonization: Research on HTML Browser Game List of Game engines and just some findings: Some research links for the frontend: Simple Tile Engine: Canvas Engine:

Some more Colonization… it has been a while with .NET and TDD

Some more Colonization... it has been a while with .NET and TDD
After a couple of weeks, I finally found some time to spend for my „SchnappCol“ Project. Only in the beginning though, the TDD Project consists of 90 Tests and about 500 lines of code. The Goal of the project is to build the game Colonization in the world of .NET with TDD; just for fun.

SharePoint 2013 Rechtschreibfehler: Warum hat meine leere Seite 113 Rechtschreibfehler

SharePoint 2013 Rechtschreibfehler: Warum hat meine leere Seite 113 Rechtschreibfehler In einer SharePoint 2013 publishing Umgebung speichere ich eine leere Inhaltsseite ab und erhalte die spassige Meldung, dass meine Seite ganze 113 Rechtschreibfehler beinhaltet. Kann doch nicht sein oder? Folgende Links geben Aufschluss darüber:  

SharePoint 2013 Fotogalerie Apps

SharePoint 2013 Fotogalerie Apps Die standardmässig bereitgestellten Möglichkeiten von SharePoint 2013 für eine Fotogalerie / Bildergalerie sind leider nur sehr gering. Also ab auf die Suche nach einer vernünftigen SharePoint 2013 Fotogalerie. Es existierende bereits schon Apps für SharePoint 2013 (Open Source) auf CodePlex: Diese können entsprechend den Bedürfnissen verwendet und angepasst werden.

Windows 8: System Brushes

Windows 8: System Brushes Great overview of Windows 8 System Brushes:  

Add,Remove Links in Top Suitebar (SkyDrive,Sites,NewsFeed) in SharePoint 2013

Great explanation of how to change the Top Suitebar in SharePoint 2013:

Monogame – Tutorials

Monogame - Tutorials
Monogame Tutorials Simple but nice explanation of the basic objects of Monogame: Tutorial Implementation with MonoGame: With the according explanations:  

.NET Game Engines for 2D Games

While checking out the many available 2D Game Engines for creating the SchnappCol Colonization like game project, I found the following interesting engines upfront. Since I’m absolutely new to this topic, this was the first step in doing some research: XNA => MonoGame  => SLIM DX => SDL.NET => Torque 2D =>   Example starting ...