SharePoint Performance – Blob Cache and Image Renditions could be the bad guy

SharePoint Performance – Blob Cache and Image Renditions could be the bad guy The Problem We’re running quite a big SharePoint Environment and using SharePoint 2013 also for Web Content Management. In order to monitor the performance of the system, we have build a couple of web tests with Microsoft Visual Studio and are running ...

SharePoint 2013: POST Requests to Search Service through App

SharePoint 2013: POST Requests to Search Service through App We recently experienced an issue when developing a SharePoint hosted App on SharePoint 2013. The App should query the SharePoint Server Search Service based on all sites a user is following and should display some data according to this criteria. The result of the “Following” site ...

SharePoint 2013: Content Search Web Part

Very nice article about the successor of content query web part in previous Microsoft SharePoint versions. Introducing the Content Search Web Part

SharePoint 2013: Nice to Know

SharePoint 2013 new features and capabilities:Short introduction video; great merchandise but really just an overview of the new capabilities. Link: What’s new for developers in SharePoint 2013:The most important point here are the SharePoint Apps. Just a basic statement from Microsoft, but I guess it’s definitively important for a SharePoint Developer:Apps have no custom code ...

Outlook Kontakte in SharePoint oder warum wird nicht alles gespeichert?

Microsoft SharePoint bietet die grandiose Möglichkeit, eine Kontaktliste auf einem beliebigen Web zu erstellen. Somit können einfach Kontakte zentral verwaltet werden und mit ein paar Klicks ist eine solche Liste erstellt. Standardmässig sind dabei allerdings nur die folgenden Felder vorhanden: Interessant ist die Liste natürlich erst dann, wenn diese auch gepflegt und genutzt wird. Eine ...

SharePoint 2013 – Technical Diagrams

Sehr hilfreiche Informationen für SharePoint 2013; auch wenn diese aktuell noch als „preliminary“ deklariert sind. Die folgenden Hilfreichen Diagramme werden angeboten: Design samples Architecture Upgrade Search Apps Backup and recovery Databases Design a SharePoint site