Shanghai Study Trip – Expert discussion with Pascal Nufer
Goal of this post / disclaimer
This is primarily for myself in order to learn and repeat the key takeaways from a study trip in Shanghai.
If you also can benefit from the below information fine; if not, also fine for me and my words are of course not exhaustive.
Learings and Take aways
We had a chance to get to know Pascal Nufer and have a expert discussion with him regarding China from a Media perspective. In a second part of the meeting, there was an exchange with the „Young Swiss in China Association“. Since the
The location, Kartel Club, was fantastic:
Kartel Club
5/F, 1 Xiangyang Bei Lu,
Discussion with Pascal Nufer about China
- Great intro video about China (from the economist)
- Xi Jinping is definitively the strongest person in the world, near Mao Zedong
- We don’t know the important persons in China (only Xi…)
- Major challenges that China is facing in the future
- Title: Peoples republic of Challenges 😉
- China as a Blackbox
- Government is very flexible and can change rules within days (and does so if required)
- This is a big challenge first to keep track on this but also just to have the correct information
- Unequality in earnings
- The range goes from 2$ a day to billionaires)
- Demographic challenge
- China, also due to one child policy, has a aging society
- The Communist party also has fractions inside, no monolith as we westernes see it mostly
- Religion: Soon china has the largest amount of Christian’s compared to any other country
- Opportunities for Switzerland regarding „One Belt one Road“ and „Made in China 2025“
- Logistics
- Infrastructure Know-How
- Supply chain management
- Machinery
- Swissness in general is still important in china
Visits / Sessions today
- East-Asia Correspondent at Swiss National Television SRF –
- Young Swiss in China –